Enabling build pipelines

Before users can create an application in Konflux, you must enable build pipelines in your instance of Konflux. At the time of publication, this process includes configuring a smee channel, to listen for users' pull requests, and creating a GitHub App, so Konflux can access those PRs.

  • Install Konflux

  • Read/write access to your Konflux instance’s repository

  1. Start a new smee channel.

  2. In the repository for your instance of Konflux, edit the file /smee/smee-client.yaml. Replace <smee-channel> with the webhook proxy URL from the previous step.

  3. Create a GitHub App according to these Pipelines as Code instructions. For the Webhook URL field, use the webhook proxy URL for your smee channel.

The PipelineRun will run only for submitters who have permission to run PipelineRuns or who receive an /ok-to-test comment from an authorized user.
For further details on PipelineRun permissions, please refer to the PipelinesAsCode documentation.